The Right
to the City
The Right to the City is the right of all inhabitants, present and future, permanent and temporary, to inhabit, use, occupy, produce, govern and enjoy just, inclusive, safe and sustainable cities, villages and human settlements, defined as commons essential to a full and decent life.
Last campaigns
The right to the city in depth
No discrimination
A city/human settlement free of discrimination based on gender, age, health status, income, nationality, ethnicity, migratory condition, or political, religious or sexual orientation. A city/human settlement that embraces minorities and ethnic, racial, sexual, and cultural diversity, which respects, protects, and promotes all non-discriminatory customs, memories, identities, languages, and artistic and cultural expressions of its inhabitants.
+Inclusive citizenship
A city/human settlement of inclusive citizenship in which all inhabitants, (whether permanent or temporary) are considered as citizens and granted equal (e.g. women, those living in poverty or situations of environmental risk, informal economy workers, ethnic and religious groups, LGBT persons, people with disabilities, children, youth, the elderly, migrants, refugees, street dwellers, victims of violence and indigenous peoples).
+Diverse and inclusive economies
A city/human settlement with diverse and inclusive economies that safeguards and ensures access to secure livelihoods and decent work for all inhabitants, gives room to other economies (e.g. social and solidarity economy, sharing economy), recognizes the domestic care and community work developed largely by women and ensures the full development of women and girls.
+Enhanced political participation
A human settlement with enhanced political participation in the definition, implementation, monitoring, and budgeting of urban policies and spatial planning in order to strengthen the transparency, effectiveness and inclusion of the diversity of inhabitants and their organizations.
+Gender equality
A city/human settlement of gender equality, which adopts all necessary measures to combat discrimination in all its forms against women and girls; a city/human settlement which takes all appropriate measures to ensure the full development of women and girls, guarantee them equality in the exercise and fulfillment of human rights, and a life free of violence.
+Quality public spaces and services
A city/human settlement with quality public spaces and services that enhance social interactions and political participation, promote sociocultural expressions, embrace diversity, and foster social cohesion; a city/human settlement where public spaces and services contribute to building safer cities (especially for women and girls) and to meeting the needs of its inhabitants (especially those related to livelihoods).
+Inclusive rural / urban linkages
A sustainable city/human settlement with inclusive rural-urban linkages that benefit poor people, both in rural and urban areas, and ensures food sovereignty; a city/human settlement that protects biodiversity, natural habitats, and surrounding ecosystems.
+Climate Justice
Justice that links development and human rights to achieve a human-centred approach to addressing climate change, safeguarding the rights of the most vulnerable people and sharing the burdens and benefits of climate change and its impacts equitably and fairly.
Understood at the same time as resources (material or immaterial) and social practices, the commons are at the core of the innovative right to the city and the municipalist movements and agendas. As a strategy, commoning provides a concrete tool for putting the social and environmental function over accumulation, privatization and speculation (through, for example, community land trusts and cooperatives), ensuring equal access and benefit to all. At the same time, it represents a productive opportunity to experiment with new forms of public-community collaboration (service provision, cultural facilities, etc.).
Care work refers to the activities that ensure the reproduction and sustaining of life. This encompasses care-giving for those that require specific care, but also day-to-day activities that are carried out on the domestic level and that ensure the sustaining of life in adequate conditions, such as cooking and cleaning.
2024: our year in review - 2024 GPR2C’s Year in Review: Celebrating 10 years fighting for the Right to the City! Dear friends, 2024 marks the 10th year anniversary of the Global Platform for the Right to the City. We celebrate this milestone in a time characterized by a delicate global context that makes the fight for the Right to the… +
The GPR2C at WUF12: celebrating our milestones and advancing torwards the realization of the Right to the City
Posted in: Care, City as a Common Good, Climate Justice, Commons, Diverse and inclusive economies, Enhanced political participation, Fulfilled social functions, Gender equality, Inclusive citizenship, Inclusive rural / urban linkages, No discrimination, Quality public spaces and services- As in previous years, the GPR2C and its members have attended the 12th session of the World Urban Forum, held between November 4th and 8th in Cairo, Egypt. Amid a wide diversity of participants and thematics represented, including also a strong presence of corporate actors and traditional top-down and market oriented approaches, the forum offered… +GPR2C integrates C20 debates - The G20 (Group of the twenty major global economies) will be held in November this year in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), to debate the governance of the global economy under the theme “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet”. As part of the G20 process, C20 is an engagement group representing civil society, providing… +