GPR2C News: Building the Platform for the Right to the City
Building the Platform for the Right to the City
The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) is promoting the debate on the concept and implementation of the Right to the City from the perspective of each region and context. The Platform tries to do so by broadening the current understanding of the Right to the City, including different social struggles from all regions of the world with the aim of building a concept that sufficiently reflects the diversity of experiences and simultaneously allowing all experiences to be represented under this concept.
This newsletter shares news about recent events, in which the GPR2C has tried to take advantage of strategic events in which governments, local authorities and social organizations meet. This allows participants to bring their message to regional and international forums and debates, bringing together social organizations and movements, academia, human rights activists and local authorities, among others, from different regions and areas of expertise.
The discussions gathered contributions that updated the understanding of the concept of the Right to the City in the different regions and contexts. In Africa, the participants requested the incorporation of the territorial dimension and the formation of a group on this issue as well as the possibility of drafting an African Charter for the Right to the City. During COP21, the participants declared that there won’t be climate justice without social justice; they also claimed that the Right to the City should be the cornerstone of an ecological transition. Participants in the Asia meeting discussed the need to involve rural communities and indigenous peoples in the discussions, since most of the population is still rural.
Africa Regional Meeting
28 November, before Africities 2015 in Johannesburg, South Africa
Right to the City in Africa
Lessons learned from this meeting included two consistent messages: (1) the apparent territorial scope of the Right to the City needs to be more inclusive to be relevant to Africa and (2) African social movements and their supporters have well-developed concepts of the Right to the City based on local experience.
Report by: Joseph Schechla, HIC-HLRNThe Inhabitants of Africas’ Contribution to the Right to the City
The right to the city must be neither a slogan nor a concept and it should include the right to land and the right of every citizen to participate in local political debate. It would be better to speak of the “right to the city and the land.” A right which should be asserted through the efforts of inhabitants across the African continent, in order to incite political action up to Quito and beyond.
Article by: Soha Ben Slama Coordinatrice, IAI Tunisia CoordinatorPhotos of the meeting