The Habitat III process reflected the deliberation of various actors to collectively commit to actions that make our cities, villages, territories and human settlements more just, inclusive, safe and sustainable. Key issues emerged toward the adoption of the New Urban...
Habitat III / NUA
SDG Summit 2023
The 2023 SDG Summit will be convened in September 2023, during the United Nations General Assembly high-level week. Heads of State and Government will gather at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to follow-up and review the implementation of the 2030 Agenda...
Second UN-Habitat Assembly
The UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) will hold the second session of the UN-Habitat Assembly at UN-Habitat headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, from 5-9 June 2023. Theme The theme of the session is “A sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective...
The Right to the City as an accelerator for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda
The UN New Urban Agenda (2016) is the first document of its kind to enshrine the Right to the City principles and proposals. To a large extent, it can be considered an achievement of the mobilization and coordination between civil society organizations and local...
The High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda
October 2021 marked the five years of the adoption of the UN New Urban Agenda by 167 countries. Although with several limitations, its contents highlight the relevance of the Right to the City principles and proposals to reclaim urban spaces as collective places for...
Open Session. Right to the City and the International Agendas: African realities and perspectives
The session will be a debate between representatives from local governments, researchers and civil society within Africities. It will explore how the Right to the City is understood in the African context, the different ways in which it is implemented on the ground as...