In order to face the emergency and collectively imagine a post-pandemic future, it is necessary to generate and consolidate a global network of solidarity and empathy. With this in mind, the partner organizations of the COiNVITE project have launched the...
Habitat III / NUA
The GPR2C releases a policy paper on the Right to the City for the UCLG Congress 2019
The GPR2C is proud to present the Policy Paper on the Right to the City it has been preparing for the 6th Congress of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) to take place along the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders on 11-15 November 2019 in Durban, South...
The inhabitants in NY, facing the NUA for the Right to the City
The choice of inhabitants at the HLPF in New York: being g-local for the Right to the City facing the New Urban Agenda. New York, July 2018. On the occasion of the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development Goals the IAI, HIC and other international...
Challenges of the Right to the City after Habitat III
The approval of the New Urban Agenda (NUA), as a result of the Habitat III Conference (Quito, 2016), certainly represents an advance for the recognition of the right to the city by international organizations and countries. But this step alone is not enough to...
The High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda
October 2021 marked the five years of the adoption of the UN New Urban Agenda by 167 countries. Although with several limitations, its contents highlight the relevance of the Right to the City principles and proposals to reclaim urban spaces as collective places for...
Open Session. Right to the City and the International Agendas: African realities and perspectives
The session will be a debate between representatives from local governments, researchers and civil society within Africities. It will explore how the Right to the City is understood in the African context, the different ways in which it is implemented on the ground as...