Habitat III / NUA


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The inhabitants in NY, facing the NUA for the Right to the City

The inhabitants in NY, facing the NUA for the Right to the City

The choice of inhabitants at the HLPF in New York: being g-local for the Right to the City facing the New Urban Agenda. New York, July 2018. On the occasion of the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development Goals the IAI, HIC and other international...

Challenges of the Right to the City after Habitat III

Challenges of the Right to the City after Habitat III

The approval of the New Urban Agenda (NUA), as a result of the Habitat III Conference (Quito, 2016), certainly represents an advance for the recognition of the right to the city by international organizations and countries. But this step alone is not enough to...

Where is the Platform heading towards?

Where is the Platform heading towards?

With the end of the successful advocacy campaign for the recognition of the Right to the City by the United Nations Habitat III negotiation process and the New Urban Agenda, the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C)* comes to the end of a busy and fruitful...

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