Habitat III


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GPR2C joins the roundtable about New Urban Agenda in Toluca

GPR2C Team The GPR2C - Global Platform for the Right to the City partipates on the roundtable "Fair, diverse and participatory habitats - citizen contributions to the New Urban Agenda". The Habitat 3 Regional Meeting’s panel occurs on April 19th in Toluca, Mexico....

Deadline for special accreditation ends on May 2nd

By GPR2C Team The organizations that would like to send representatives to the PrepCom 3 and Habitat 3 can apply for a special accreditation until May 2nd. Scheduled prior to April 1st, the deadline to PrepCom 3 was extended to the same date. GPR2C holds its European...

GPR2C Statement on core messages for Habitat III

                                                                         GPR2C STATEMENT ON CORE MESSAGES FOR HABITAT III IN THE Habitat III Europe Regional Meeting  Prague March 18  2016 In the context of the preparatory process towards the 3rd UN Conference on...

GPR2C News: Building the Platform for the Right to the City

    Building the Platform for the Right to the City The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) is promoting the debate on the concept and implementation of the Right to the City from the perspective of each region and context. The Platform tries...

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