The GPR2C joins the international call to participate in the World Social Forum on Transformative Economies (WSFTE2020)
Faced with the environmental and civilizatory crisis generated by a globalized capitalist system greedy for resources, social and ecological transition initiatives are multiplying all over the world. Transformative economies are urgent and central part of this...
TRISE reelases the book “Social Ecology and the Right to the City”
This October, the Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE) has released the book “Social Ecology and the Right to the City: Towards Ecological and Democratic Cities”. Edited by Federico Venturini, Emet Degirmenci, and Inés Morales, the publication gathers...
Impacts of the World Day for the #RightToTheCity digital campaign
The campaign for World Day for the Right to the City was a great success, many thanks to all of you who made it possible! This day was joined by different campaigns with the aim of giving visibility to the struggles, initiatives and materials around the right to the...
The GPR2C releases a policy paper on the Right to the City for the UCLG Congress 2019
The GPR2C is proud to present the Policy Paper on the Right to the City it has been preparing for the 6th Congress of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) to take place along the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders on 11-15 November 2019 in Durban, South...
UN Rapporteur Recommends Legal Recognition of Right to the City for Public Spaces
This year, GPR2C participated in a survey conducted by the UN Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights, as part of evidence collection for a report addressing the importance of public spaces for the exercise of cultural rights and the challenges which must...
The GPR2C at the Urban October 2019
As every year, the Global Platform for the Right to the City together with its members and allies are redoubling their efforts during the month of October to show the strength of our initiatives and joint actions around critical and urgent issues. Urban October begins...
New GPR2C website!
Our new website is live and full of all the content you need to get informed and participate in the global struggle to achieve a Right to the City for all! The website is our platform for collecting all of our actions, past, present and future, in one collective space...
Dignified Housing: A Dynamics in Favor of the Positive Perception of the Popular Neighborhoods of Cameroon
Note by Armand Nouwe Since February 2019, the Diocesan Committee for Social and Charitable Activities of the Archdiocese of Douala (CODAS Caritas Douala) has been carrying out a project to promote and protect the right to adequate housing by supporting the improvement...
The GPR2C in New York during the HLPF 2019
The 2019 High-Level Political Forum(HLPF) took place from the 9th to 18th of July under the theme “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”. As in previous years, the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) was present both in New...
Women’s Political Agenda for the City of Lima
The city of Lima occupies 0.22% of the national territory and concentrates approximately one third of the population of Peru. Globally, cities occupy 2% of the territory and concentrate 55% of the population. This population concentration presents great challenges...