Cities questioned by feminisms

Cities questioned by feminisms

Feminist urbanism as a horizon to critically rethink territorial-urban planning and development and to propose alternatives towards the reconstruction of cities for the sustainability of life. Article by: Habitat and Gender Commission of Habitar Argentina[i] Photo:...

Triennial of Inhabitants 2019, Cameroon

Triennial of Inhabitants 2019, Cameroon

How can decent housing for 5,000,000 households by 2035 be achieved? The National Network of Cameroonian Inhabitants are taking on this very #righttothecity, #right2housing issue, organising the Fifth Triennial of Inhabitants 2019, in Douala, #Cameroon between March...

GPR2C at #GrenobleTransitions

GPR2C at #GrenobleTransitions

Today, GPR2C launches its event at the 2019 Grenoble Transitions, an eight day exposition of speakers, debates, exhbitions, presentations and demonstrations towards creating environemntally sustainable urban communities. The HIC event will be discussing how to...

بيان بشأن حقوق المرأة في المدينة

بيان بشأن حقوق المرأة في المدينة مدينة من شأنها أن تتبنى كافة الإجراءات اللازمة ومن بينها ̶  القوانين، التخطيط الحضري، أو الاجراءات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية بشكل عام  ̶  لمناهضة كافة أشكال التمييز العنصري ضد المرأة والفتيات؛ واتخاذ كافة الإجراءات اللازمة لضمان تمتعهم...

Women’s Right to the City Manifesto

Women’s Right to the City Manifesto

Women's Right to the City Manifesto A CITY that adopts all necessary measures - regulations, urban planning, economic and social- to combat all forms of discrimination against women and girls; takes all necessary measures to ensure their full development; guarantees...

Declaration on Human Rights Day and the Right to the City

Declaration on Human Rights Day and the Right to the City

  We, social movements, civil society and local governments’ organizations are committed to social justice through the promotion, defense and fulfillment of all human rights related to habitat, including the Human Right to Adequate Housing, Land and the Right to...