Synergies for solidarity
Global mapping of civil society collaborations and initiatives against COVID-19 in popular neighbourhoods In order to face the emergency and collectively imagine a post-pandemic future, it is necessary to generate and consolidate a global network of solidarity and...
Call for contributions to UN Special Rapporteurs report on COVID-19 and human rights
Call for contributions to UN Special Rapporteurs report on COVID-19 and human rights Source: OHCHR UN Human Rights bodies special procedures have taken various initiatives in relation to COVID-19 with the objective to stress the importance of adopting a human rights...
Participate in the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies 2020 !
Source: WSFTE The World Social Forum on Transformative Economies continues to move forward, with challenges that are more urgent than ever in a...
Minutes from the GPR2C Assemblies: Right to the City facing COVID-19
The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) held a 2-part Assembly, focusing on the Right to the City in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first session, held on Friday April 17, focused on adequate housing and popular economy, while the second,...
Right to the City Agenda for the French local elections
The local level is increasingly asserting itself as a key space for political participation and the collective construction of democratic life. This approach is based on the idea that proximity facilitates concrete action on local issues. The local level lends itself...
Women’s Right to the City during the pandemic
Photo : Bahía Flores for CISCSA I want to contribute with 4 main points in relation to today’s topics: violence against women and their health is part of the Right to the City and Human Rights. Women's right to the city and to diversity is political, and implies the...
Pandemic lessons, progressive politics: Right to the city and new municipalism in times of COVID-19
Article by Lorena Zárate, originally published at Minim There is no doubt about it: the current global pandemic offers some acute warnings and delivers several fundamental messages to our societies. First and foremost, it suddenly and simultaneously focuses our...
Synergies for Solidarity Campaign
In order to face the emergency and collectively imagine a post-pandemic future, it is necessary to generate and consolidate a global network of solidarity and empathy. With this in mind, the partner organizations of the COiNVITE project have launched the...
Right to the City News March 2020
We have just released the March issue of our quarterly newsletter. There you can find a summary of the most important activities and campaigns we have carried out over the last three months, as well as upcoming events and other information of interest. At this issue,...
Statements of the UN Special Rapporteur on Racism on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Source: United Nations and Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance Every year, on March 21st, we celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This date marks the day...