The Decalogue arises from the alliance between civil society organizations, social movements, universities, research centers, international and regional organizations and networks that have come together within the framework of the “Synergies for Solidarity“ initiative to collectively imagine a more just post-pandemic future, building a global network of collaboration and empathy.
The partner organizations defend that the development of a renewed and participatory slum upgrading program is fundamental to respond to immediate needs and also to contribute to a long-term post-pandemic recovery based on the well-being of the population, the realization of their rights and respect for the environment.
The ten guidelines presented arise from a collective process of analysis and synthesis of different documents and strategies framed in the response to COVID-19, added to the concrete knowledge generated by the inhabitants and different actors involved in the historical process of development of slum upgrading projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Decalogue based on:
- Talleres Imaginación pos pandemia de Sinergias para la Solidaridad
- UHPH: Nota conceptual LAV
- COINVITE: Mensajes sobre mejoramiento integral de barrios
- PGDC: “El Derecho a la Ciudad para enfrentar al COVID-19”
- PGDC: Policy Paper para el Congreso Mundial de CGLU (Durban, noviembre 2019)
- CGLU: Decálogo para la era posterior al COVID-19
- ONU-Hábitat: Mensajes Clave sobre Covid-19
- OMS: Fortalecimiento de la preparación para la COVID-19 en ciudades y otros entornos urbanos
- HIC-AL: Propuesta regional Asentamientos Precarios
- ONU: Documento de Políticas: La COVID-19 en un mundo urbano
- DPU/Centro Cultural Moravia/ Moravia Resiste / Coinvite: Atlas de Patrimonio Vivo Moravia