The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Mr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal welcomes contributions from civil society organizations, States, local and regional governments, national human rights institutions, academics, UN agencies and other stakeholders to his next thematic report to the Human Rights Council in 2023 to the issue of the right to adequate housing and climate change.
This new report will seek to:
- Take stock of the magnitude of challenges that the climate crisis poses to guaranteeing the right to adequate housing for all and the solutions that are needed in different contexts;
- Take stock of the different ways in which housing (through housing construction, urban sprawl, soil sealing, increased average living space, energy consumption, water use, pollutants, deforestation, desertification, loss of biodiversity, etc.) contributes to climate change;
- Provide guidance on how to ensure a just transition towards a rights-compliant, climate-resilient and carbon-neutral housing.
Key questions on which information is sought
Please download the questionnaire for more information on the issues on which information in sought.
How inputs will be used
Submissions received will be published, except if confidentiality of the information is explicitly requested.
Next Steps
Inputs may be sent by e-mail. They must be received by 8 July 2022 18:00 CEST.
Email address: ohchr-srhousing@un.org, ohchr-registry@un.org
Email subject line: Input SR housing – report on climate change
Accepted File formats: Word
Accepted languages: English, French and Spanish