
Gender equality

Ripess and GPR2C contributions to the call on Care as a Human Right

Ripess and GPR2C contributions to the call on Care as a Human Right

On April 13th 2024, Ripess (the intercontinental network of continental networks committed to the promotion of Social Solidarity Economy) and the GPR2C (Global Platform for the Righto to the City answered to the Call for inputs for an expert workshop and a...

2022 Right to the City Overview

2022 Right to the City Overview

Dear friends, As the end of 2022 is approaching, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all members and allies of the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) for another very engaging and productive year of collaborative work and mobilization around...

Find out more about HIC Co-learning Spaces

Find out more about HIC Co-learning Spaces

HIC Co-learning Spaces - the Habitat International Coalition is an active member of the Global Platform for the Right to the City - are cross-regional, multi-session encounters open to all HIC Members, Friends, and allies to generate and multiply emancipatory learning...

How cities can mitigate human-nature conflict

How cities can mitigate human-nature conflict

Climate justice must be put at the centre of the agenda, radically changing how we relate, produce and consume in our societies.A group of people participates in the sit-in in front of the Congress of Deputies called on the occasion of the Global Day of Action for...