
Global Call asks for the inclusion of the Right to the City in the NUA

"People may live in the same city, but only few can enjoy it fully: a lifetime wasted on long commutes, women fearing dark streets, discriminatory public spaces, scarce green areas, segregated neighborhoods, and profit above life. These violations of our collective...

First episode of #SupportRight2City is released

The Global Platform for The Right to the City released the first episode of the #SupportRight2City series campaign. Watch the video here. The short video of 3 minutes, with no dialogues, shows through images a parallel of two women that live in the same city. Entitled...

Right to the City in HABITAT III – Official Statements

This document was prepared to support the process of informal hearings with stakeholders on the New Urban Agenda, focusing on how the Right to the City appears in official documents. The analysis considered the documents that supported the Zero Draft Zero of the NUA,...

Right to the City is widely supported in the informal hearings of UN

The adoption of the Right to the City in New Urban Agenda was advocated in all informal hearings preparatory to Habitat III (United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development), which took place on June 6th and 7th (UN, New York). Yesterday (8)...

“What’s the right to the city?”

The present document, organized by the Platform with the the support of Eva Garcia Chueca, attemps to provide a clear and easy understanding of the right to the city in view of enriching the drafting process of the New Urban Agenda. Enter here the document "Whats the...