
GPR2C comments on Policy Papers Frameworks

By GPR2C Team and UCLG The GPR2C (Global Platform for the Right to the City) commented the 10 Policy Papers Frameworks – all of them were released on last 29th February. According to the Habitat 3 Secretariat, the policy papers are considered official inputs to United...

Habitat 3 Secretariat releases the 10 policy papers

By GPR2C The Habitat 3 Secretariat launched on March 9th 2016 all of the 10 policy papers submmited by Habitat 3 Policy Units on 29 February 2016. The documents are available online and they can be downloaded here. According to the Secretariat, the policy papers are...

Public Class – Urban Talk: The Right to the City

  By Pólis Institute The Paulista Avenue, in São Paulo City, Brazil, will host the Public Class – Urban Talk:  The Right to the City, on this upcomingSunday, 28. The aim is to create a space for dialogue, appropriation of public space and cultural expression. The...

A Needed Cornerstone for Habitat III: The Right to the City

By Isabel Pascual GPR2C Team Cities are territories with massive economic, environmental, political and cultural wealth and diversity, both actual and potential. But the development models implemented in most countries today tend to concentrate income and power,...

Urban Social Forum releases its event report

GPR2C Team The Indonesian organization Kota Kita, one of  GPR2C – Global Platform for the Right to the City partners, released  the  3rd Urban Social Forum event report.  This edition occurred on 19th December 2015 in Surubaya, Indonesia. According to the entity, over...

GPR2C represents the right to the city at experts meeting

GPR2C Team The GPR2C (Global Platform for the Right to the City) members are participanting of the second Habitat III Experts Meeting Policy Unit 1: Right to the City for all,  from 27th to 28th January in Bogota, Colombia. The event is focused on the draft of the New...

Calendar: Toward Habitat III

By Citiscope What follows is a month-by-month breakdown of important events in four interlocking global discussions, those around Financing for Development (FFD), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris climate summit (COP 21) and the Habitat III cities...

UN approves Habitat III participation rules

GPR2C Team (*) The United Nations General Assembly on 22 December 2015, during its seventieth session, adopted the resolution on the ‘Implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and strengthening of the United...

Kota Kita Discusses Urban Policy for Vulnerable Riverbank Communities

GPR2C Team (with Kota Kita Blog informations) The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) has posted a blog taken from an extended interview with Kota Kita’s Director, John Taylor, about urban policies designed to reduce vulnerability for...