
GPR2C participates at COP 21 in Paris

GPR2C Team (*) Entities as  FIAN, Friends of the Earth, FPH, HIC, ODESC, UCLG and WIEGO, from GPR2C- Global Platfotrm for the Right to the City are participating at COP21 and the People's Climate Summit in Paris, France, until December 10. Follow below the GPR2C...

GPR2C promotes local debate on Right to the City prior to Africities

The GPR2C – Global Platform for the Right to the City is promoting an important debate about the implementation of the Right to the City on a regional perspective in Johannesburg, South Africa, on November 28th, 2015. The Regional Meeting in Africa will be held at...

GPR2C News – September/October 2015

  The Right to the City: the needed cornerstone for the Habitat III Agenda Habitat III is a crucial moment to reformulate the life in human settlements. In that context, the Right to the City is a critical tool to ensure that all inhabitants have a place where to...

What room for the Right to the City in Habitat III?

    Rafaella Lima Alexandre Apsan Frediani Barbara Lipietz Introduction How will the Right to the City be incorporated into Habitat III? How will Habitat III remain accountable to the commitments of Habitat I and II and build new commitments towards more...

Habitat III ‘policy units’ experts announced

By Greg Scruggs (Citiscope) NEW YORK — Following two months of delay, the organizers of next year’s Habitat III summit on urbanization have made public the list of 200 individuals who will make up key thematic expert groups for the drafting of the New Urban Agenda,...