
Digital vs. analogue at Habitat III meeting on civic engagement

    By Greg Scruggs (Citiscope) What is the best way for residents to engage with their city hall, in old-fashioned meetings or via new-fangled technology? In the Israeli city that considers itself the capital of a “start-up nation”, digital tools are...

Shouldn’t the New Urban Agenda be a binding agreement?

By Pablo Aguilar González (Citiscope) A key premise behind next year’s Habitat III conference on urbanization is that the future of humanity will be determined in cities. Yet if that is the case, with the legal framework that we have today, the battle is lost before...

Declaration of World Human Rights Cities Forum 2015

The World Human Rights Cities Forum 2015 - Towards a Global Alliance of Human Rights Cities for All II, held from 15 -18 May in Gwangju, Republic of Korea, made a declaration about the importance of human rights policy development based on local characteristics. Also,...

Global Platform sends letter to Habitat III Secretariat

Global Platform for the Right to the City sent, in last May, a letter to the representant of Habitat II Secretariat, Ana Moreno.  The document is focused on the appointment of experts for Policy Units groups in the context of Habitat III Conference. According to UN...

Civil society must ensure equitable inclusion in Habitat III

By Jane Katz The road is looking a bit rockier than once thought to get to the New Urban Agenda, the outcome document for next year’s Habitat III conference on cities and the intended blueprint for a new global strategy around urbanization. Nonetheless,...

Global Platform’s Agenda

The Global Platform members contributed, in Porto Alegre (Brazil),  to the UCLG Executive Bureau debate, from 10 to 12 June 2015. In the framework of the meeting of UCLG, the joint session with civil society discussed strategy and content to influence Habitat III....

Declaration of World Assembly of Inhabitants

We, the participants of the World Assembly of Inhabitants , gathered in Tunis from 24 to 28 March 2015, have met for many activities grouped under seven themes during the World Social Forum to continue the processes of convergence as in many previous gatherings...