
PrepCom 2: Official statements indicate concerns around participation

By Greg Scruggs and Carey L. Biron - Citiscope Developing countries and other stakeholders are expressing concerns on two issues in particular as talks in Nairobi push forward the Habitat III process: broadening participation in that process and figuring out how to...

World Social Forum

The World Social Forum is an open meeting place where social movements, networks, NGOs and other civil society organizations opposed to neo-liberalism and a world dominated by capital or by any form of imperialism come together to pursue their thinking, to debate...

The speakers presentations

The speakers presentations on the Internacional Meeting to the Right the City are already on the website. In order to access them, you should go to the "publications" section on the menu above, or click here. The presentations were preserved in their original...

Statement on the International Meeting on the Right to the City

Statement of Outcomes of the International Meeting on the Right to the City Sao Paulo 12-14 November 2014 The International Meeting on Right to the City ( was held on 12, 13 and 14 November 2014, and gathered 158 participants from...

Advancing the Right to the City

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) and Instituto Pólis, together with other ESCR-Net Members, organized several events and interventions to advance human rights and the right to the city framework in relation to the first Preparatory Committee for UN Habitat III....