
Call for Transformative Cities 2020 is now open!

Call for Transformative Cities 2020 is now open!

Extended deadline: June 14th A new year, a new Open Call for the Transformative Cities People’s Choice Award! Is your collective defending the Right To The City? Share your strategies and join the...

Fighting for Women’s Right to the City!

Fighting for Women’s Right to the City!

  As every year, on March 8 we celebrate International Women's Day. This day and the month of March as a whole is a key moment in the feminist struggle around the world. Gender equality is one of the eight components of the right to the city and one of its...

New article: “De-Colonising Planning Education?” by Urban Know

New article: “De-Colonising Planning Education?” by Urban Know

Image credits: Aboubacarkhoraa, via Wikicommons Source: Urban KNOW The Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality, a global consortium of researchers and partners across 13 institutions, focusing on nine countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, has just released a...

Right to the City News December 2019

Right to the City News December 2019

We have just released the December issue of our quarterly newsletter. There you can find a summary of the most important activities and campaigns we have carried out over the last three months, as well as upcoming events and other information of interest. At this...