This year will mark a turning point in the history of Chile and the world. The Constitutional Process approved in October 2020 represents a historic opportunity for Chile to build, for the first time in democracy and on a parity basis, a New Constitution that responds to just and non-segregated cities, that guarantees Human Rights, the Right to Habitat and the Right to the City.
More than 25 Chilean civil society organisations have joined forces to form the Ciudad Constituyente [in Spanish] network. This network has been created to advocate for a New Constitution that gives rise to “a State that guarantees the rights to habitat, overcoming the logic of subsidies for a logic of justice and solidarity. An urban model based on pedestrians and sustainable mobility, land regulation and planning that integrates and cares for the good life [Buen Vivir] of the people, respecting our neighbourhoods and their identity, through democratic mechanisms and participatory governance”, as summarised in the Manifesto.
As Global Platform for the Right to the City, we have decided to join this initiative together with our partners in Chile to support political action and social change through the inclusion of the Right to the City and its components in the New Constitution of Chile.
On 3 February 2021, two months before the Constitutional Conventions elections scheduled for 11 April 2021, we officially launched Ciudad Constituyente, in favour of a democratic, ecological and feminist transformation of our territories, cities and neighbourhoods, based on social and environmental rights, and which we aim that becomes a fundamental part of the New Constitution.
Support us by posting messages on your networks with #HagamosCiudad and #RightToTheCity.
For the city and the territory to be spaces of dignity and the construction of a good life for everyone!