On the occasion of COP26, the Global Platform for the Right to the City calls for:
There is an urgent need for governments and society at all levels to deeply rethink the dominant urban development model and the nature of cities that it has spawned in order to correct the ongoing climate emergency. Said paradigm shift should advance towards more collective and equitable models for the management and distribution of resources, starting from the singular focus on private property towards a greater emphasis on collective access to common goods.
On November 11th, as the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) holds, for the first time ever, a day dedicated to the built environment, we insist that in order to address the effects of climate change in a just and equitable way, our cities and territories must look beyond the physical and material components of our cities and understand them as common goods.
In this sense, the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) releases today the Thematic Paper “The City as a Common Good: A pillar of the Right to the City”, which seeks to dialogue with the notion of commons from the perspective of the Right to the City, highlighting pathways and experiences to advance on legal, governance and community frameworks that allow for more just and democratic communities.
Claiming the city as a common good, implicates in developing a new paradigm that affects the material, politic and symbolic dimension of our communities, touching the distribution of resources, governance models and relations between inhabitants.

this is about recognized human rights
On October 8th, the United Nations Human Rights Council declared the access to a healthy environment as a Human Right
Such recognition is fundamental and goes in the direction of what social movements and communities have been claiming for a long time: climate action should be rooted in the notion of Climate justice, oriented towards addressing inequality and committed to Human Rights. Moreover, such understanding is rooted in the notion of equality and the shared access and responsibility that we have towards the environment, seen as a common good.
Download the Thematic Paper!
“The City as a Common Good: a pillar of the Right to the City”
A campaign by