Fulfilled social functions

A city/human settlement fulfilling its social functions, that is, ensuring equitable and affordable access for all to housing, goods, services and urban opportunities, particularly for women, marginalized groups and people with special needs; a city/human settlement that prioritizes the

Fulfilled social functions


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Right to the City. The construction of a collective utopia

Right to the City. The construction of a collective utopia

Article by HENRIQUE BOTELHO FROTA and LORENA ZÁRATE Originally published in spanish in Crítica Urbana. Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales Vol.3 núm. 13 Derecho a la ciudad.. A Coruña: Crítica Urbana, July 2020.   "The right to the city has gained...

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Zero Eviction : In Defense of the Urban and Rural Life

Zero Eviction : In Defense of the Urban and Rural Life

Global launch of the Zero Eviction Campaign The Pólis Institute, Global Platform for the Right to the City and DHESCA Brazil Platform will hold an international online event in favor of the suspension of evictions during the health crisis caused by the Covid-19...

Affordable Housing and Land in Latin America

Affordable Housing and Land in Latin America

This webinar is co-organized by Cities Alliance and the Habitat Unit from TU Berlin. The unfolding COVID-19 pandemic and its geography within city regions have brought attention to the socio-economic cracks of current urbanization patterns. Poor neighborhoods and...

(Webinar) COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus: The Shelter Gap

(Webinar) COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus: The Shelter Gap

The Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) model is an initiative of UN-Habitat’s World Urban Campaign, conceived as an open space for critical exchange between all stakeholders and partners with the aim to promote sustainable urbanization. It is also envisaged as a platform to...

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WorldWIDE Nigeria

WorldWIDE Nigeria

Description: Women in Development and Environment (WorldWIDE Nigeria) is an NGO registered in Nigeria to encourage women and youth to contribute to environmental and development solutions. Mission: To enhance social justice, gender equality, peace building and...


Description: The Taiwan Alliance of Anti-Forced Eviction (TAAFE) is an NGO/Social Movement working on a range of housing rights issues, from the dispossession and eviction of urban redevelopment, to informal settlements, to the homeless people's Right to the City....



Description: The Public Ministry of Defense of the City of Buenos Aires (MPD) is an autonomous institution belonging to the Judicial Branch of the City of Buenos Aires whose function is to guarantee the legitimate and inviolable right to defense, as well as to ensure...



Description: Muungano wa Wanavajiji (MWV) is a Kenyan social movement that deals with land, housing, and human rights issues. Mission: Mobilise the urban poor and resources to enable them create voice and space to engage the Government in decision making forum....

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