Gender equality

A city/human settlement of gender equality, which adopts all necessary measures to combat discrimination in all its forms against women and girls; a city/human settlement which takes all appropriate measures to ensure the full development of women and girls, guarantee them equality in the exercise and fulfillment of human rights, and a life free of violence.

Gender equality


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Women’s Agenda for the City in Latin America

Women’s Agenda for the City in Latin America

The Agenda was launched on 8 March 2019. It is an initiative of the Women and Habitat Latin America Network in six cities in the region: Bogotá, Córdoba, San Salvador, Lima, Ciudad de Guatemala and Santiago de Chile.   In order to make citizen demands visible and...

Cities questioned by feminisms

Cities questioned by feminisms

Feminist urbanism as a horizon to critically rethink territorial-urban planning and development and to propose alternatives towards the reconstruction of cities for the sustainability of life. Article by: Habitat and Gender Commission of Habitar Argentina[i] Photo:...

Women’s Right to the City Manifesto

Women’s Right to the City Manifesto

Women's Right to the City Manifesto A CITY that adopts all necessary measures - regulations, urban planning, economic and social- to combat all forms of discrimination against women and girls; takes all necessary measures to ensure their full development; guarantees...

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