Gender equality

A city/human settlement of gender equality, which adopts all necessary measures to combat discrimination in all its forms against women and girls; a city/human settlement which takes all appropriate measures to ensure the full development of women and girls, guarantee them equality in the exercise and fulfillment of human rights, and a life free of violence.

Gender equality


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Why we talk about Women’s Right to the City

Why we talk about Women’s Right to the City

  Women’s rights to land, housing, the city, and their urban assets, as well as  their empowerment have been the central concern of networks and organizations- in particular of grassroots women’s organizations -which contribute from their daily experiences. It is...

How can we make the Right to the City a reality for women?

How can we make the Right to the City a reality for women?

Photo Julia Kubrusly, 14º EFLAC (Encuentro Feminista Lationamericano y del Caribe) Watch the video here. On the occasion of the Campaign for Women's Right to the City, we present a video that brings together the voices of 10 expert leaders and activists from around...

For Women’s Right to City!

For Women’s Right to City!

Photo © M.A.f.I.A. ( As part of the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C)'s action plan for this year, the working groups are preparing 4 thematic campaigns related to the Right to the City: - Gender - Advocacy at the...

Women’s Right to the City in Social Networks

Women’s Right to the City in Social Networks

During the two months of the Women's Right to the City Campaign , we published in our Social Networks journalistic articles, videos, reports and research related to the issue, as well as activities and initiatives of the member organizations of the Global Platform for...

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Action Aid Brazil

Action Aid Brazil

      Description: Action Aid Brazil is an international organization working to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. Mission: AAB´s mission is to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication by working...

HLRN India

HLRN India

Description: Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN), India, works for the recognition, defence, promotion, and realisation of the human rights to adequate housing and land, which involves securing a safe and secure place for all individuals and communities, especially...

Built Environment Support Group

Built Environment Support Group

Description: Built Environment Support Group (BESG) is a Non Governmental Organisation focusing on the right of access to land, basic services, housing and livelihood security for indigent households and communities. Mission: BESG supports vulnerable sectors of our...

Development Workshop Angola

Development Workshop Angola

Description: Development Workshop was founded in 1973 and has been a promoter of urban and civic rights for more than four decades. DW is an active member of the African platform of the GPR2C. We have worked with international and African partners during the last 4 or...

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