The Habitat III process reflected the deliberation of various actors to collectively commit to actions that make our cities, villages, territories and human settlements more just, inclusive, safe and sustainable. Key issues emerged toward the adoption of the New Urban...

Inclusive citizenship
A city/human settlement of inclusive citizenship in which all inhabitants, (whether permanent or temporary) are considered as citizens and granted equal (e.g. women, those living in poverty or situations of environmental risk, informal economy workers, ethnic and religious groups, LGBT persons, people with disabilities, children, youth, the elderly, migrants, refugees, street dwellers, victims of violence and indigenous peoples).Inclusive citizenship
Ciclo de debates “Avances del derecho a la ciudad en América Latina”
En 2021, se conmemoran 5 años de existencia de la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU) y se celebran los 20 años del Estatuto de la Ciudad (EC) de Brasil, ambos productos de importantes movilizaciones y estrategias de incidencia que han involucrado a distintos actores sociales y...
The GPR2C at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2021
We will be participating at this year's IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2021 "President's Session" on Climate!! The member of the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) Support Team, Nelson Saule Jr., who is also part of our member organization...
Dialogue series “The Right to the City in the face of today’s challenges”
CLACSO and the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) organize a dialogue series to advance the collective learning process of the GPR2C Thematic Papers 2021 and present the workbook "The Right to the City in the face of challenges from today" The four...
GPR2C Members and allies initiatives for Urban October 2021
Every year, the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) celebrates Urban October, an opportunity to raise our voices about our struggles and initiatives and to join forces for a better world. In 2021, Urban October will...
The GPR2C at the Fearless Cities 2021
‘Fearless’ means daring to get our hands dirty rather than watch from the sidelines. Fearless Cities is an informal global movement of activists, organizations, councilors and mayors that are working to radicalize democracy, feminize politics and drive the transition...
Generation Equality Forum: Paris
The Generation Equality Forum in Paris will take place from 30 June – 2 July. Attended by Heads of State, the Paris Forum will convene Governments, international organizations, civil society, youth, the private sector and activists from the entire world to make...
ECOSOC Youth Forum 2021
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum will be held on 7 and 8 April 2021. The modalities of participation will depend on the evolving spread of COVID-19 and its impact on travel restrictions as well as considerations on the safety, health and...