Inclusive citizenship

A city/human settlement of inclusive citizenship in which all inhabitants, (whether permanent or temporary) are considered as citizens and granted equal (e.g. women, those living in poverty or situations of environmental risk, informal economy workers, ethnic and religious groups, LGBT persons, people with disabilities, children, youth, the elderly, migrants, refugees, street dwellers, victims of violence and indigenous peoples).

Inclusive citizenship


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The Right to the City, a cornerstone for “leaving no one behind”

The Right to the City, a cornerstone for “leaving no one behind”

The Right to the City is a collective demand and agreement on the need to implement the Global Agendas for Sustainable Development with a human rights approach. "In his book "The Invisible Cities", Italo Calvino asked this question in a work dedicated to urban spaces,...

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Description: RIPESS works at intercontinental and sectorial level to promote Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) and SSE policy Mission: Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy and SSE policies Outreach: International Right to the City Components: Non Discrimination Gender...



Description: Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) is a research-action-policy network whose mission is to improve the status of the working poor especially women in the informal economy (waste pickers, street vendors, home based workers and...

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