The graph has been produced by our consultant Sergio Salgado (Pantheon Work). This visualization offers a very illustrative perspective of all the groups of organizations, movements, and people advocating for the Right to the City on Twitter. What does this image show...
Inclusive citizenship
A city/human settlement of inclusive citizenship in which all inhabitants, (whether permanent or temporary) are considered as citizens and granted equal (e.g. women, those living in poverty or situations of environmental risk, informal economy workers, ethnic and religious groups, LGBT persons, people with disabilities, children, youth, the elderly, migrants, refugees, street dwellers, victims of violence and indigenous peoples).Inclusive citizenship
How cities can mitigate human-nature conflict
Climate justice must be put at the centre of the agenda, radically changing how we relate, produce and consume in our societies.A group of people participates in the sit-in in front of the Congress of Deputies called on the occasion of the Global Day of Action for...
Second dialogue between civil society, local governments and UN Special Rapporteurs
Collaborating internationally and working locally towards care and systemic transformation Following a first roundtable held on December 2020, the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C), Habitat International Coalition (HIC) and United Cities and...
The GPR2C supports the call for a Binding Treaty on Transnational Corps. and Human Rights
Cities are on the front lines of today’s most urgent challenges, dealing with the climate crisis and rising global inequality. Local governments from across the world are increasingly committed to the advance of #HumanRights and the #RightToTheCity. However, the...
Conversation with United Nations Special Rapporteurs
Along with Habitat International Coalition, the GPR2C is co-organizing a conversation with United Nations Special Rapporteurs (SRs) focused on how to improve synergies between their work and that of civil society and grassroots organizations. A series of SRs will be...
Online course “Decoding the Right to the City”
Registrations are closed now! Thank you all for your interest! The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) aims to contribute to the emergence of new emancipatory utopias and social pacts for a better future in all human settlements, giving visibility...
Virtual World Assembly of Inhabitants (2nd part)
Call for the Virtual World Assembly of Inhabitants (2nd part) Monday 31/08/2020 (13:30-16:30 GMT - click for your local time) Organizations and networks of inhabitants from all over the world are calling for the 2nd part of the Virtual World Assembly of...
Cinepólis: Corpos negros movimentam!
Fonte original: Instituto Pólis No #NovembroNegro, o Instituto Pólis reinaugura sua laje com a exibição dos extras do DVD “1000 Trutas, 1000 Tretas” do Racionais, seguida de uma conversa sobre #direitoacidade e a questão racial. O debate será conduzido a partir das...
Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad – ODC
Description: Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad (ODC) is an independent and interdisciplinary social organization that vocationally participates in public debates and in all dimensions of urban policies with the conviction that cities should be...
Observatorio por el Derecho a la Ciudad de Bariloche (ODCB)
Description: Observatorio por el Derecho a la Ciudad de Bariloche (ODCB) holds meetings open to the public with the assistance of experts, to review local conditions and conflicts on: local urban infrastructure and services, demand for land and...
DESCO-Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo
Description: DESCO, Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo, is a non-governmental development institution that has been part of Peruvian civil society for 53 years. It is dedicated to the promotion of social development and the strengthening of the capacities...
CJUR Internacional
Description: Colegio de Jurisprudencia Urbanística (CJUR International) is a Non-Governmental Organization with influence in 4 continents whose essential objective is the social transformation for a dignified life and happiness, through urban law,...