Inclusive citizenship

A city/human settlement of inclusive citizenship in which all inhabitants, (whether permanent or temporary) are considered as citizens and granted equal (e.g. women, those living in poverty or situations of environmental risk, informal economy workers, ethnic and religious groups, LGBT persons, people with disabilities, children, youth, the elderly, migrants, refugees, street dwellers, victims of violence and indigenous peoples).

Inclusive citizenship


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How to think about Women’s Right to the City?

How to think about Women’s Right to the City?

March 8th is a day to commemorate women's struggles around the world. The resistances that have taken place and those that still need to be sustained. This new 8th of March brings us together again, amplifying voices to which we add and raise the Women's Right to the...

The GPR2C opens a news inbox for its member organisations and allies

The GPR2C opens a news inbox for its member organisations and allies

The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C), among other objectives, aims to be a space for the dissemination of relevant news on the Right to the City. We are here to make it easier for all GPR2C members and allies to publish, in a more agile way, on the...

Connecting across Habitat Rights and the Right to the City

Connecting across Habitat Rights and the Right to the City

Civil society and local governments join forces with UN Special Rapporteurs in a first roundtable to discuss possible paths for joint work     On Friday, December 4th, the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C), Habitat International Coalition...

The creation of the GPR2C’s Thematic Papers

The creation of the GPR2C’s Thematic Papers

The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) is organizing a process of collective learning on the Right to the City. This process is being carried out through the development of seven thematic papers on the perspective and connection of the Right to the City...

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Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginales- Fe De Vi

Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginales- Fe De Vi

    Description: Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginales (Fe De Vi) is a social organization that brings together different organizations of the villas at the national and local levels. It was born in 1996 with the main objective of unifying the...



        Description: Urban and Rural Habitat Projects and Research Workshop (RED HÁBITAT) Red Hábitat is an organization that since 1993 has been promoting actions to recognize, respect and realize the rights to adequate housing and habitat and the...



Description: TECHO, a civil society organization present in 19 Latin American countries, working in popular settlements to improve the quality of life of communities in terms of organization, housing, and habitat. Mission: To work with determination in popular...

Fundación Somos Ecuador-FSE

Fundación Somos Ecuador-FSE

Description: It is a non-governmental organization created in 2009, which implements comprehensive processes focused on promoting sustainable habitat management. Mission: To develop and manage community development or social interest programs aimed at fulfilling the...

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