Inclusive citizenship

A city/human settlement of inclusive citizenship in which all inhabitants, (whether permanent or temporary) are considered as citizens and granted equal (e.g. women, those living in poverty or situations of environmental risk, informal economy workers, ethnic and religious groups, LGBT persons, people with disabilities, children, youth, the elderly, migrants, refugees, street dwellers, victims of violence and indigenous peoples).

Inclusive citizenship


Synergies for solidarity

Synergies for solidarity

Global mapping of civil society collaborations and initiatives against COVID-19 in popular neighbourhoods In order to face the emergency and collectively imagine a post-pandemic future, it is necessary to generate and consolidate a global network of solidarity and...

Women’s Right to the City during the pandemic

Women’s Right to the City during the pandemic

Photo : Bahía Flores for CISCSA I want to contribute with 4 main points in relation to today’s topics: violence against women and their health is part of the Right to the City and Human Rights. Women's right to the city and to diversity is political, and implies the...

New article: “De-Colonising Planning Education?” by Urban Know

New article: “De-Colonising Planning Education?” by Urban Know

Image credits: Aboubacarkhoraa, via Wikicommons Source: Urban KNOW The Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality, a global consortium of researchers and partners across 13 institutions, focusing on nine countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, has just released a...