En 2021, se conmemoran 5 años de existencia de la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU) y se celebran los 20 años del Estatuto de la Ciudad (EC) de Brasil, ambos productos de importantes movilizaciones y estrategias de incidencia que han involucrado a distintos actores sociales y...
Inclusive rural / urban linkages
A sustainable city/human settlement with inclusive rural-urban linkages that benefit poor people, both in rural and urban areas, and ensures food sovereignty; a city/human settlement that protects biodiversity, natural habitats, and surrounding ecosystems.Inclusive rural / urban linkages
Ciclo de debates “Avances del derecho a la ciudad en América Latina”
En 2021, se conmemoran 5 años de existencia de la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU) y se celebran los 20 años del Estatuto de la Ciudad (EC) de Brasil, ambos productos de importantes movilizaciones y estrategias de incidencia que han involucrado a distintos actores sociales y...
Ciclo de debates “Avances del derecho a la ciudad en América Latina”
En 2021, se conmemoran 5 años de existencia de la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU) y se celebran los 20 años del Estatuto de la Ciudad (EC) de Brasil, ambos productos de importantes movilizaciones y estrategias de incidencia que han involucrado a distintos actores sociales y...
Dialogue series “The Right to the City in the face of today’s challenges”
CLACSO and the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) organize a dialogue series to advance the collective learning process of the GPR2C Thematic Papers 2021 and present the workbook "The Right to the City in the face of challenges from today" The four...
GPR2C Members and allies initiatives for Urban October 2021
Every year, the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) celebrates Urban October, an opportunity to raise our voices about our struggles and initiatives and to join forces for a better world. In 2021, Urban October will...
UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26)
The 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the UNFCCC was originally scheduled to take place from 9-19 November 2020, in Glasgow, UK. On 28 May 2020, the COP Bureau decided that it would take place from 1-12 November 2021, in Glasgow, UK. The change...
Roundtable between United Nations Special Rapporteurs, civil society organizations and local governments
Connecting across Habitat Rights and the Right to the City Following the first roundtable in December 2020, this collective dialogue between United Nations Special Rapporteurs, civil society organizations, and local and regional governments continues on Wednesday, 3...
The GPR2C at the World Social Forum 2021
The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) will participate, from January 23th to January 31st, in the World Social Forum 2021. The 20th-anniversary edition will be virtual due to the pandemic. The event program and the daily self-organized assemblies will...