Karima Bennoune, the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, is seeking contributions to an ongoing study on “Cultural rights and public space”. This report explores how actors from across the cultural ecosystem access and use public spaces, identify the...
Quality public spaces and services
A city/human settlement with quality public spaces and services that enhance social interactions and political participation, promote sociocultural expressions, embrace diversity, and foster social cohesion; a city/human settlement where public spaces and services contribute to building safer cities (especially for women and girls) and to meeting the needs of its inhabitants (especially those related to livelihoods).Quality public spaces and services
The City Understood as a Common Good, an Emerging Pillar of the Right to the City
1. The Evolution of Human Rights for the Right to the City 1.1. The Concept of Urban Rights in the Popular Amendment on Urban Reform The concept of urban rights was included as a core element of the Urban Reform’s thinking which emerged during Brazil’s process...
The Right to the City, a cornerstone for “leaving no one behind”
The Right to the City is a collective demand and agreement on the need to implement the Global Agendas for Sustainable Development with a human rights approach. "In his book "The Invisible Cities", Italo Calvino asked this question in a work dedicated to urban spaces,...
Description: The Institute of Urban Development CENCA (CENCA) was created in 1980 and since that date has been working on issues of regional urban planning, city and housing and knowledge co-producing. It is a member of HIC and IAI. Mission: CENCA is an organization...
Action Aid Brazil
Description: Action Aid Brazil is an international organization working to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. Mission: AAB´s mission is to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication by working...
HLRN India
Description: Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN), India, works for the recognition, defence, promotion, and realisation of the human rights to adequate housing and land, which involves securing a safe and secure place for all individuals and communities, especially...
Development Action Group
Description: Established in 1986, the Development Action Group (DAG) is a leading non-profit, non-governmental organisation. DAG’s mission is to create, implement and support community-centred developments in order to address economic, social and spatial inequalities....