This article has been collaboratively written by GPR2C members and allies, see more at the end. In today's challenging context, with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, longstanding structural inequalities have become strikingly apparent. This scenario is not...
Quality public spaces and services
A city/human settlement with quality public spaces and services that enhance social interactions and political participation, promote sociocultural expressions, embrace diversity, and foster social cohesion; a city/human settlement where public spaces and services contribute to building safer cities (especially for women and girls) and to meeting the needs of its inhabitants (especially those related to livelihoods).Quality public spaces and services
GPR2C Members and allies initiatives for Urban October 2020
As in each year, GPR2C members and partners are carrying out a myriad of initiatives (statements, campaigns, events, documents, etc) during the month of October. Discover them here below : During the month Campaign Urbamonde and CoHabitat Network partners Campaign...
GPR2C called for implementing the Right to the City approach to face global crises at the HLPF 2020
The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) participated in the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2020 in order to launch an urgent appeal to the United Nations and all international, regional, national and local institutions and civil society organizations...
Right to the City Initiatives Facing COVID-19
The pandemic finds us at a time of crisis of the neoliberal system and climate emergency, further aggravating the health, social and economic situation worldwide. All over the world, civil society and local governments are demonstrating leadership in the response of the crises, developing both emergency responses to the most urgent needs and initiatives that move towards the needed structural transformation. Strengthening horizontal and democratic collaboration between actors and institutions (government, communities, civil society) and at different scales (neighbourhood, city, national, international) must be at the core of the response to these global challenges.
Description: The Development Planning Unit (DPU) is an academic department of University College London which conducts research, postgraduate teaching and training and advisory services that helps to build the capacity of national governments,...
Description: Our Cities Network (RNC) is a collaborative network of exchange of information on news and on quality of life in Latin American Cities with a broad interdisciplinary and regional focus. Mission: To provide a service to the Latin American community,...
Description: UrbaMonde is an NGO based in Switzerland and France promoting the social production of habitat locally and internationally. Mission: Promote and expand the social production of habitat (community-led housing). Outreach: International...
Description: Planact is a non-governmental development organisation, whose aim is to bring about local development for the vulnerable within an integrated framework. Originally formed as a voluntary association of professionals in 1985, Planact has evolved into a...