Article by HENRIQUE BOTELHO FROTA and LORENA ZÁRATE Originally published in spanish in Crítica Urbana. Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales Vol.3 núm. 13 Derecho a la ciudad.. A Coruña: Crítica Urbana, July 2020. "The right to the city has gained...
Quality public spaces and services
A city/human settlement with quality public spaces and services that enhance social interactions and political participation, promote sociocultural expressions, embrace diversity, and foster social cohesion; a city/human settlement where public spaces and services contribute to building safer cities (especially for women and girls) and to meeting the needs of its inhabitants (especially those related to livelihoods).Quality public spaces and services
Fulfilling SDG11 and the NUA beyond the pandemic through the Right to the City
The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) held an online side event at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2020 on July 16th, facilitated by Sophia Torres from the GPR2C support team. GPR2C members and allies from local governments, international...
Mapping repertoires of collective action facing the COVID-19 pandemic in informal settlements in Latin American cities
How are civil society organizations responding to COVID-19’s impacts on informal settlements? The Synergies for Solidarity campaign aims at making visible, analysing, and connecting initiatives that have emerged from different sectors and scales of civil society that...
GPR2C contributions to UN Special Rapporteurs report on COVID-19 and human rights
UN Human Rights bodies special procedures have been developing different efforts to stress the importance of adopting a human rights approach in addressing the COVID-19 crisis. Beyond issuing a series of joint press releases and statements, a group of different...
Description: Urbanization, Gender, and the Global South: a Transformative Knowledge Network (GenURB) is a six-year international research project that brings together over 40 feminist scholars, academics, policy makers, and activists to advance our understanding of...
Description: Untag Surabaya Resilience Institute (UntagSRI) is an Indonesian research centre for climate change studies, based in the University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. Mission: Networking and empowering both tangible and intangible aspect of resilience for...
Description: The Public Ministry of Defense of the City of Buenos Aires (MPD) is an autonomous institution belonging to the Judicial Branch of the City of Buenos Aires whose function is to guarantee the legitimate and inviolable right to defense, as well as to ensure...
Description: Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI) is a public interest litigation centre that conducts litigation, research and advocacy on housing, public participation and livelihood strategies Mission: The Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South...